各种金属加工切削液:乳化油、防锈切削液、半合成切削液、微乳切削液、全合成切削液 彭工1 3 9 5 3 2 6 8 2 3 7 产 品 特 性 适 用 材 料 QD612 a high quality bio-stable soluble cutting fluid containing extremely effective friction reducing additives. This product is designed for a wide variety of metal removal operations; provide high lubricity rust prevention, cleaning property and longer life. 是一种含有特殊抗摩擦添加剂的**生物稳定型微乳化水溶性切削液,为大部分的切削加工工序而设计,能提供非常好的润滑特性、防锈性、清洗性,并获得很长的使用寿命。 铸铁、合金钢、碳钢、铜、铝及其合金、模具钢 QD612A High quality bio-stable micro emulsion product, provide excellent surface finishing and good tools protection. The special formulation ensure the long life in hard water conditions. *能的微乳化产品,其所具有的较高润滑能力能提供很好的表面光洁度,降低刀具损耗,其特别的体系确保在硬水环境中仍能长期有效工作。 黑色金属、不锈钢、耐热合金、铜铝及其合金 QD611C a general-purpose soluble cutting fluid blended from premium mineral base oil and selected emulsifier package. The milky emulsion possesses excellent lubricity and rust prevention characteristic, this enhancing the cutting performance. The emulsion is very stable and offering prolonged service life. 是一款多用途乳化切削液(全乳化),由**基础油及多种添加剂组合配制而成,拥有良好的润滑性及防锈性。其乳化液非常稳定,延长了使用寿命。 黑色金属、合金钢、铝及其合金 QD611A a high quality soluble cutting fluid containing extremely effective friction reducing additives. This product is designed for a wide variety of metal removal operations. Has excellent lubricity and provide good protection to non-ferrous metals. 是一种含有抗摩擦添加剂的多用途长效型乳化切削液(全乳化),为大部分的切削加工而设计。具有良好的润滑能力,并能对有色金属提供良好的保护,加强了防锈性能和提高了使用寿命。 黑色金属、合金钢、铜铝及其合金 QD611EP high EP and lubricity can effectively improve tool life and surface finishing by preventing localized welding between chips and tools 是一种含较压润滑剂类型的乳化切削液产品(全乳化),提供较佳的润滑性能,提高产品表面光洁度,延长刀具使用寿命。 **于不锈钢、合金钢、高镍钢、耐热钢、模具钢等中、重负荷加工